Drinking smoothies and taking shilajit every day can have a great impact on your health!
Life is busy for us all. We’ve yet to meet anyone who doesn’t have a myriad of activities, events, meetings, parties, and responsibilities on their plate each and every day. This busy lifestyle sometimes means that a healthy diet and exercise routine slips – maybe you eat out more than you would like, run less than you should, and have one too many soft drinks a week. Eating enough fruits and vegetables can be difficult – especially since the departments of Agriculture and Health and Human Services just upped the new daily serving amount of fruits and vegetables to nine servings a day. That amounts to 2 1/2 cups of vegetables, and 2 cups of fruit. How exactly are we all supposed to integrate that many fruits and veggies into our diet every day?
Smoothies: An Excellent
Vegetable and Fruit Source
One of the best ways to get your daily dose of both veggies and fruit is to start your day off with a smoothie for breakfast. Because you can condense so many types of vegetables and fruits into one smoothie, it is an excellent way to get the vitamins, oils, and other nutrients necessary for a healthy life. Here are some reasons smoothies are healthy:

Healthy Fats
Despite the past demonization of fat, it is important to understand that we all need fat in our lives to be healthy. Fat is what our body burns for energy, and it is necessary for many biological functions. There are good fats and there are bad fats, so you need to know the difference between the two. The addition of coconut oil, avocados, egg yolks, and other foods with high levels of healthy fat to your smoothie will help you feel full for longer, and give you energy throughout the day.

Vitamin A
Spinach, mango, kale, and cantaloupe are all excellent sources of Vitamin A. This vitamin plays an important role our health: as an antioxidant it keeps our immune system fortified, promotes eye health, and helps aid bone growth. (Source)

Vitamin C
Kiwi, guavas, strawberries, pomegranates, oranges, papaya, and avocado are all high in Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your body absorb iron, as well as promoting the healing and health of connective tissues, your bones, and your skin. (Source)

Most people in the U.S. don’t get enough fiber every day. Fiber is essential for many different reasons – it is crucial for proper digestion, and skin health, and also helps weight management and blood sugar control. Add chia seeds, flax seeds, pears, or raspberries and blackberries to your smooth for a fiber boost! (Source)
Shilajit: An Excellent Source
of Minerals and Antioxidants
As you can see, you can use many different fruits and vegetables in your smoothie. You can get a good start on your daily fruit and vegetable requirements by making a smoothie first thing in the morning. And, when you add sources of healthy fat into the blend, you’ll find you are full for longer, and have more energy in the afternoon. Much like smoothies, shilajit is dense with healthy minerals that will benefit your life. Shilajit is full of over 80 minerals and is rich in antioxidants, making it the perfect pair to a morning smoothie. Take your dose of shilajit, and follow it up with a vitamin-rich smoothie, and your body will be fortified with minerals and vitamins that will give you energy, fight disease, and boost your immune system.
Smoothie Recipes and Ideas
Adding multiple kinds of fruit is easy, and finding delicious veggies is also much easier than you think. Let’s take a look at some delicious smoothie recipes and combinations you can follow up your shilajit dose with:
Blend 2 cups of kale, 1/2 an avocado, 1 cup of frozen strawberries, 1 banana, and 1 cup of soy milk in the blender until smooth.
Be creative with your smoothies! Pick your favorite fruit or vegetable, and blend it with your liquid of choice (you can use anything you like, such as almond milk, hemp or flax milk, coconut water, soy milk, etc.), add an add-in like peanut butter, dates, ginger, chia seeds or flax seeds, and you’ll have a delicious, vitamin-rich blend to start your day. There are countless combinations to try and perfect.