Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue: Supplements and Diet

Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue: Supplements and Diet

Learn about a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue.

Are you constantly exhausted? You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue syndrome. Learn more, and get information about a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue: Diet and shilajit supplements.

Adrenal fatigue is a syndrome caused by the low-functioning of the adrenal glands. These glands are what give you energy, and keep you alert throughout the day. Without proper functioning of these glands, exhaustion and depletion begin to erode a person’s health. In today’s blog post, we’re going to look at a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue, and why shilajit is the perfect accompaniment for it.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Various sources list the following as common symptoms of adrenal fatigue:

  • Difficulty getting up in the morning, regardless of amount of sleep
  • Highly fatigued throughout the day
  • Cravings for salty food
  • Difficulty handling stress
  • Weak immune system
  • More energy in the evenings

Other symptoms of adrenal fatigue that are less common are: dry skin, asthma, lower back pain, a decreased sex drive, joint pain, dizziness, dark circles under the eyes, weight gain, loss of muscle tone, frequent urination, extreme exhaustion after exercising, and poor circulation.  There is not one test for adrenal fatigue; instead, doctors must make a diagnoses bases on multiple tests (click here for more information about testing for adrenal fatigue).

Diet and Exercise: The Best Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue

One of the best ways to treat adrenal fatigue syndrome is to undergo a diet and exercise transformation. Sit down and examine your current diet, and be honest and straightforward with yourself about the need to better your lifestyle. Go to a naturopath doctor and get tested for food allergies that are compromising your system. Remove these from your diet, and begin making healthier choices:

1: Shilajit Boosts the Immune System

Eat Real Food: Avoid Processed Food

Our diets are severely lacking in vitamins and minerals. Much of our diet consists of heavily processed foods that our bodies cannot utilize. Add raw foods into your diet, and cut out white bread, sugars, and alcohol. Feed your body with only the best fuel. Also, cut out stimulants such as coffee, which you have trained your body to rely on, and stay hydrated with water. Add superfoods that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, such as bone broth, to rebuild your health. Additionally, begin to heal your gut and encourage healthy digestion: Start drinking kombucha or kefir, or simply start taking a probiotic to encourage healthy gut bacteria.

2: Shilajit Detoxifies the Body

Supplement with Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential to our health, but our bodies are lacking it due to lack of sun exposure, and an overly processed diet. Start taking supplements like the amino acid Glutamine, which will rebuild your intestinal walls. Also, add shilajit to your daily routine, as it is rich in ionic minerals and vitamins that are essential to strong bones, a healthy body, and a sharp mind.  Shilajit also fights adrenal fatigue by fighting inflammation, and acting as a strong anti-bacterial agent. Overall, shilajit is a great natural treatment for adrenal fatigue: People have used it for thousands of years as a way to fight chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you’re struggling with exhaustion and feel depleted, implement everything you’ve read in this blog for a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue. And, even if you don’t suffer from the syndrome, protecting your body against exhaustion and illness is extremely important to live a healthy, happy life.

Fight Adrenal Fatigue

Shilajit has been used for thousands of years to combat adrenal fatigue. Get started today!

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Proven Shilajit Health Benefits: A Closer Look at a Miraculous Substance

Proven Shilajit Health Benefits: A Closer Look at a Miraculous Substance

Proven Shilajit Health Benefits

A “panacea” of health, shilajit health benefits are proven and documented.

Shilajit is a miraculous substance: In fact, is referred to as a panacea, or “cure-all” for countless health problems, diseases, and illnesses.  It has an extremely long history, and has been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition. It is easy to lose sight of the proven shilajit health benefits, however. Today, we’re going to look at proven and well-documented shilajit benefits.

Proven Shilajit Health Benefits:

Here are examples of a few proven, shilajit health benefits.


Powerful Detoxifier

Shilajit detoxifies the blood.


Heals Cognitive Impairment

Fights cognitive impairment associated with Alzheimer’s


Is a Natural Energy Booster

Shilajit boosts energy naturally


Is a Powerful Antioxidant

Shilajit rids the body of free radicals as an antioxidant


Increases Antioxidant Activity

Shilajit improves antioxidant activity in the body


Fights Inflammation

Shilajit is a powerful anti-inflammatory.


Is Antiulcerogenic

Shilajit has antiulcerogenic properties


Increases Fertility

Shilajit increases fertility by increasing sperm activity.


Improves Sexual Performance

Shilajit improves stamina and sexual performance.


Testosterone Boost

Shilajit boosts testosterone levels.


Treats Diabetes

Shilajit controls blood glucose and treats diabetes.


Defies Altitude Sickness

Shilajit fights the symptoms of altitude sickness.


Heals Bones

Shilajit has the power to regenerate fractured bones.


Improved Fitness

Shilajit improves mean fitness scores.


Fights Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Shilajit fights the symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.


Alzheimer’s Prevention

Shilajit is effective to prevent Alzheimer’s.


Powerful Anti-Fungal

Shilajit is a potent anti-fungal.


Reduces Toxicity

Shilajit rids the bod of heavy metals.


Improved Digestion

Shilajit aids and improves digestion.


Protects the Heart

Shilajit promotes heart health.


Ulcer Treatment

Shilajit treats gastric ulcers.


Reduces Acidity

Shilajit reduces acidity in the stomach.

As you can see, there are many shilajit health benefits that have been proven. In addition to providing treatment and soothing many ailments, shilajit is packed with ionic minerals, and countless vitamins, which improve your health and well-being. When you see the list of proven shilajit health benefits, it is easy to understand why people view it as a cure-all.

Use Only the Purest
Shilajit for the Most Benefit

When you begin using shilajit, it is important that you use only the purest form in order to get the most benefit. When it is harvested from the Himalayan mountains, shilajit is in a resinous form. It is gathered after it oozes out of the mountains themselves. Often, this shilajit is taken and made into powder, stuffed into capsules, or made into tonics. When this is done, the shilajit is highly processed, and there is no way to determine how much of the substance you are actually consuming because it is mixed with fillers. When you take shilajit resin, however, it is close to its natural form as possible. You can be confident you are getting the purest, most beneficial form of shilajit available. Premium Shilajit is authentic and lab tested, is quality and not mixed with fillers, and is harvested traditionally using sustainable techniques. You can be confident in the quality and benefits of Premium Shilajit!

Enjoy the Benefits of Shilajit

Shilajit truly is a miraculous substance. Enjoy the greatest benefits by taking only the highest quality shilajit resin!

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The Benefits of Shilajit for Women’s Health

The Benefits of Shilajit for Women’s Health

The Benefits of Premium Shilajit for Women's Health

We’ve discussed the overall benefits of shilajit on this blog many times. Shilajit is a remedy for many different ailments, and also provides much-needed vitamins and ionic minerals to our nutrient-depleted bodies. Does shilajit hold special benefits specifically for women? Let’s explore the benefits for women’s health in today’s blog post.


Anti-Aging Properties of Shilajit

Finding the right anti-aging products and supplements is the constant quest of women in the modern world. Shilajit promotes healthy aging, both in outward and inward appearance. Most importantly, shilajit can help prevent Alzheimer’s, as well as the decline of cognitive ability due to aging. More than two thirds of the population with Alzheimer’s are women, so proactively preventing it is important as a woman.  A healthy mind can do wonders to keep women young and full of life.


Energy for a Busy Life

The modern woman has a lot on her plate. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 66% of women with children under the age of 17 work in addition to raising children. Women need all the energy they can get to keep up with their hectic lifestyle and busy children. Thankfully, shilajit is a natural choice for an energy boost. Shilajit helps fight exhaustion (even combating Chronic Fatigue Syndrome), and also boosts energy by supporting the production of ATP. That’s something every busy woman needs!


Immune System Boost

Combine exhaustion and a busy schedule, and the immune system is going to take a hard hit. Shilajit boosts the immune system in multiple ways:

  • Shilajit provides much-needed vitamins and minerals, which give our bodies the ability to fight sickness.
  • Shilajit detoxifies the blood, helping clear our bodies of toxins.
  • It helps our bodies and cells absorb nutrients to stay healthy.
  • Shilajit is a potent anti-inflammatory substance.

Premium Shilajit: A Powerful Supplement for Women’s Health

Women lead busy lives, and as a result, tend to get sick and deal with exhaustion. Women are also more likely to be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s as they age. Shilajit can help prevent many of these issues, by giving women the boost to their energy and immune system they need for a healthy life, and by preventing Alzheimer’s. It really is an excellent supplement for women!

Shilajit: A Powerful Supplement for Women

Shilajit is a powerful supplement that has may benefits for women. Start taking Premium Shilajit today!

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Shilajit: An Immune System Booster

Shilajit: An Immune System Booster

Stay healthy this fall - boost your immune system with shilajit!

Fall has arrived. A chill is in the air, and leaves are crunching underfoot. This is a truly wonderful time of year. After all, what is better than snuggling up by the fire with a cup of hot apple cider? Unfortunately, the fall season brings with it another tendency – sickness runs rampant during this time of year. Thankfully, you can stay healthy by taking shilajit!

Whether it’s the flu, or simply a common cold, you don’t want to catch whatever is making its way around your neighborhood. To fight the onset of sickness, people often wonder what the best option is to boost their immune system. Thankfully, we have the answer: Shilajit is a powerful immune system booster you can take to keep you and your family healthy. Let’s take a look at how it accomplishes this:


Vitamins and Minerals

You often hear that taking vitamin C is a good way to fend off getting sick? Well, shilajit is packed with over 85 vitamins and minerals. Our bodies are starved for minerals and vitamins due to our diet of processed foods. Taking a supplement that supports the body will help it to fight off sickness.


Fight Inflammation

Shilajit is a potent anti-inflammatory substance. It can help you body fight inflammation naturally. Ayurvedic healers have been using shilajit to fight inflammation in the body for thousands of years. Why not make use of such an old tradition?


Detoxifies the Blood

Shilajit detoxifies and cleans the blood. Over the years, metals and other toxins build up in your bodies. This leads them to be less healthy. Shilajit purifies our blood so our bodies are able to better fight off illness. A healthy body is able to ward off illness much easier than bodies that aren’t running as well as they should.


Aids Nutrient Absorption

Shilajit not only provides the body with the nutrients it needs to be strong and fight off illness, it also aids nutrient absorption by pushing the necessary nutrients into our body’s cells. This is why shilajit is so effective – it not only provides the vitamins and minerals, it also helps our bodies absorb and retain the nutrients we need to be healthy!

Fight Illness with Shilajit:
An Immune System Booster

Shilajit is an excellent way to fight off the illnesses that plague us all this time of year. You want to be able to enjoy this season of hot apple cider, corn mazes, haunted houses, and other festivities, instead of staying indoors, bundled up and fighting the flu or a cold. Learn more about the benefits of shilajit, and start taking it today to give your immune system the boost you need to stay happy and healthy this season!

Feeling Sick?

Keep sickness at bay this flu and cold season by taking shilajit daily. Feel free to contact us with any questions about how Premium Shilajit can enrich your life!

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Fight Arthritis with Shilajit – a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

Fight Arthritis with Shilajit – a Powerful Anti-Inflammatory

Shilajit is a powerful anti-inflammatory - fight arthritis!

Shilajit can greatly benefit those who suffer from inflammation, such as pain from arthritis.

Shilajit is rich in vitamins and minerals that boost and support your immune system. But, what if you’re already dealing with the symptoms of a disease? Can shilajit soothe symptoms and pain from illnesses? Thankfully, shilajit also greatly benefits those who are already suffering from illnesses. One common malady is arthritis. Shilajit can help soothe they symptoms and pain. Let’s take a look at how shilajit accomplishes this.

Arthritis: Inflammation of the Joints

Arthritis is painful. For those who suffer from its effects, the need to find relief is a constant battle. There are many causes for arthritis – it is not a single disease. The most common type of arthritis is Osteoarthritis, which is the result of aging. When you have an autoimmune disease (such as rheumatoid arthritis), or cartilage wears away, or there is a lack of fluid, or inflammation or infection is present in your joints, you will feel the pain of arthritis. When you have joint pain due to arthritis, it is a good idea to look for natural solutions to ease the pain. Shilajit is a wonderful choice.


Fulvic Acid: Powerful Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Agent

Shilajit is packed with fulvic acid and humic extracts, which are powerful anti-inflammatory agents filled with  antioxidants. According to an article in the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases, people suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have low levels of common antioxidants before they are diagnosed with the disorder. Researchers are unsure about whether the  the lower levels of antioxidants cause the disease, or are an effect of the disease.


Treat Inflammation
with Shilajit

Because the root cause of arthritis is inflammation, it is best to attack the source by taking anti-inflammatory substances to ease inflamed joints. Shilajit is a wonderful choice because it cleans the blood, detoxifies the body, and is proven as an anti-inflammatory herb that has been utilized by Ayurvedic healers for thousands of years. If you’re suffering from arthritis, consider taking shilajit for the following reasons:




Shilajit is  a powerful inflammatory substance, and will help soothe the pain.


Detoxifies the Blood

Shilajit cleans and detoxifies your blood – a healthier body will fight disease.


Boosts the Immune System

Your body is better able to fight inflammation when it is at its peak.


Heals Your Bones

Shilajit helps regenerate damaged bones almost 2 times faster than normal.


Start Taking Shilajit to
Prevent & Treat Arthritis

It is important to boost our body’s immune system and ability to fight off disease. One of the best ways you can accomplish this is to take shilajit every day. By building strong bones, detoxifying the blood, and keeping your body filled with anti-oxidants, you can prevent many illnesses and diseases. If you currently suffer from arthritis, try taking shilajit today to ease and heal the symptoms. Be sure to talk to your doctor before beginning daily doses of shilajit. Most doctors approve the usage of shilajit, because it is a beneficial substance with virtually no side effects.

Struggling with Arthritis Pain?

Fight inflammation and heal your body by taking shilajit daily. Learn more about this incredible, life-changing substance by read the rest of our information available on this website.

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