Fighting Altitude Sickness with Shilajit

Fighting Altitude Sickness with Shilajit

Use Premium Shilajit to Fight Altitude Sickness

“When the sun is shining I can do anything; no mountain is too high, no trouble too difficult to overcome.” – Wilma Rudolph

We all have our mountains to conquer. And, when your goal is to conquer an actual mountain, it may seem that nothing stands in your way. Unfortunately, altitude sickness can strike even the healthiest individuals. In fact, the people who suffer from it the most are often the fittest individuals who fight to climb, hike, and conquer mountains without pausing to consider the risks. Thankfully, there are ways to combat altitude sickness. One of the ways to counteract the effects of this illness is to take shilajit. Let’s take a look at what causes altitude sickness, and how shilajit is so effective.

What is Altitude Sickness?

When a person goes up in altitude too quickly, they may suffer from something called altitude sickness. The symptoms are as follows:

check-iconThrobbing Headache

check-iconFeeling Dizzy and Nauseous

check-iconWeakness and Exhaustion

of Energy

Altitude sickness (Acute Mountain Sickness – AMS) is caused by going up in altitude too fast for the body to acclimate. Your body cannot get enough enough oxygen, so you star breathing faster. The body can acclimate, but it takes time. Altitude sickness can be deadly, so it is important to know the symptoms and work to counteract them.

Using Shilajit to Fight Acute Mountain Sickness

For thousands of years, people living in the Himalayas have used shilajit to counteract the effects of altitude sickness. There are many reasons it helps the body acclimate to higher altitudes. They are listed and discussed in a study in the International Journal of Ayurveda Research called “Shilajit: A panacea for high-altitude problems”:


Nutrient Assimilation

Shilajit helps the body assimilate other nutrients, herbs, and vitamins, thus amplifying their effect.


Produces Energy

Shilajit helps produce energy in the body, and also “reduces the recovery period if injured muscles, bones, and nervous system, and is used in the treatment of fractures.”


Improves Blood Flow

Shilajit “enhances the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood…it helps in improving blood circulation and its diffusion into tissues and maintains the necessary oxygen levels in the body.”

There are countless ways that shilajit helps the body overcome the effects of altitude sickness – the above benefits are just a few examples. The study concludes that:

Shilajit improves the ability to handle high altitudinal stresses and stimulates the immune system. Thus, Shilajit can be given as a supplement to people ascending to high-altitude areas so that it can act as a “health rejuvenator” and help to overcome high-altitude related problems.”

Fight Altitude Sickness

Premium Shilajit may help you deal with the effects of altitude sickness while you train or enjoy the outdoors.

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Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Shilajit

Fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with Shilajit

Use Premium Shilajit to fight Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Do you struggle with chronic fatigue? You may have chronic fatigue syndrome, or CFS. Thankfully, shilajit can help fight back.

There isn’t a known cause for chronic fatigue syndrome, and it can be difficult to diagnose. But, there are eight official symptoms that you mean you suffer from it. Overwhelming fatigue can keep you from living a full life. It can make exercise difficult, cause chronic pain, and keep you from wanting to socialize. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do to combat chronic fatigue. One of them is taking shilajit daily. Studies have shown that shilajit may help fight chronic fatigue syndrome. Let’s take a moment to look at the symptoms of chronic fatigue, as well as how shilajit may help.

Symptoms of Chronic
Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

That overwhelming exhaustion you feel may be more than just a lack of a good night’s sleep; you could be suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). Here are a few known symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • Sore Throat
  • Fatigue
  • Unrefreshing Sleep
  • Loss of Concentration or Memory
  • Muscle Pain with No Explanation
  • Headaches
  • Enlarged Lymph Nodes
  • Extreme, Long-Lasting Exhaustion after Physical or Mental Exercise
  • Pain Moving from Joint to Joint with No Swelling or Redness

If you believe you’re suffering from CFS, it is important that you consult your doctor. The symptoms could be the result of a serious illness or infection. If you’ve spoken with your doctor, and wish to try healing your fatigue with alternative methods, you may want to try taking shilajit, which has been used by people across the world for thousands of years.

Shilajit: The Rejuvenator

We’ve written in the past about how shilajit can significantly improve your energy. This is due to many reasons, including how densely it is packed with minerals and vitamins, and how it helps your body assimilate these nutrients. But, in recent studies, researchers have shown that shilajit weakens the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.


Shilajit Mitigates the Effects of CFS

According to the study, it was found that “shilajit mitigates the effects of CFS in this model possibly through the modulation of HPA axis and preservation of mitochondrial function and integrity.” Shilajit is packed with fulvic acids, dibenzo-a-pyrones, and DBP-chromoproteins, which all work to fight CFS.

The results of the study aren’t a surprise to us, as we have experienced the benefits of shilajit in our daily lives, for giving us an energy boost and helping fight our fatigue. Taking shilajit can improve your life in many ways, including fighting back against overwhelming exhaustion.

Fight Back Against CFS

Take Premium Shilajit and fight back against the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome.

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Prevent Alzheimer’s: Take Premium Shilajit Daily

Prevent Alzheimer’s: Take Premium Shilajit Daily

Premium Shilajit May Help Prevent Alzheimer's

In a recent study, it was found that shilajit may be beneficial in Alzheimer’s prevention!

There are things we know are important for good health. For example, it’s important to drink lots of water, exercise regularly, have a healthy diet, spend time outdoors, and get plenty of vitamins and minerals. Taking shilajit daily benefits each of these aspects of a healthy life by providing minerals and vitamins, and helping the body absorb necessary nutrients. In fact, shilajit has the potential to prevent many ailments and diseases – one of which is Alzheimer’s. In a study published in the International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, it was found that shilajit may be beneficial in preventing Alzheimer’s. Let’s take a closer look at how this happens.


Used in Ayurvedic Medicine for Thousands of Years

Ayurvedic medicine has been using shilajit for thousands of years as an antiaging and rejuvenating substance. This is called a “rasayana” compound. There are two elements that must be present in a rasayana compound: it must promote human health, and increase physical strength. Practitioners of the ayurvedic tradition have used shilajit to increase longevity, arrest aging, and rejuvenate the body. And, for good result – the Sherpa’s claim to have used shilajit for generations, and have a very high level of longevity.


Shilajit and the Mind

According to the publication in the International Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, “preclinical investigations about shilajit indicate its great potential uses in certain diseases, and various properties have been ascribed, including…cognitive and memory enhancer…[and] neuroprotective agent against cognitive disorders.”


Shilajit is a “Very Safe Dietary Supplement”

Shilajit has been used by people across the world for thousands of years. Sherpas have taken it for generations for longevity and cognitive ability. Unfortunately, here in the US, there haven’t been many clinical trials to fully establish the benefits of shilajit. But, you can take it with confidence, as it has been proven tot be safe. The publication goes on to say that “shilajit is a potent and very safe dietary supplement, potentially able to prevent several diseases, but its main medical application now appears to come from its actions in benefit of cognition and potentially as a dietary supplement to prevent Alzheimer’s disease.” Start taking Premium Shilajit today to see the benefits in your life!

Prevent the Effects of Aging:

Premium Shilajit is a very safe substance, and has been shown to prevent Alzheimer’s. Take it daily for a healthier body and mind!

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3 Ways to Integrate Raw Foods into Your Diet

3 Ways to Integrate Raw Foods into Your Diet

3 Tips for Integrating Raw Foods Into Your Diet

Introducing raw foods into your diet is a great way to boost your health and nutrition. Start with shilajit so your body can better absorb the vitamins and minerals!

Recently, we’ve discussed the importance having ionic minerals in your diet, and why smoothies are a great addition to your morning routine. Both these articles discussed the lack of nutrition in our modern diet. In fact, most people aren’t getting the nutrition they need in their diet. This is due to industrial farming practices, less nutrients in our soil, and less vegetable and fruit consumption. One of the best things you can do is to integrate raw foods into your diet, and supplement with shilajit. Here are 3 ways to add raw foods into your daily life!



1. Make Epic Salads

The word “epic” means majestic, or impressively great. When you apply it your salads, we’re sure you’ll enjoy raw foods much more. Most people throw lettuce into a bowl, add a store-bought dressing, and call it a salad. An epic salad is much different. You can add many raw foods into your salad for lunch, and it can easily keep you full until dinner. Start with lettuce, kale, spinach, or another green of your choice, and then pile on the veggies. Include cauliflower, mushrooms, onion, avocado, tomatoes, strawberries, apples, oranges – any veggie or fruit you can think of. Then, top it with seeds and nuts for a protein boost, top it with a homemade oil and vinegar dressing, and you’ll not only have a salad you can’t get enough of, you’ll be adding many raw foods to your diet! We found a great Instagram account just filled with pictures of epic salads. Be sure to follow for your salad inspiration!


2. Whip Up Homemade Condiments

If you’re like us, you enjoy condiments with your meals. Well, an easy way to add raw foods into your diet is to make your own condiments. And, they just happen to be delicious! There are many recipes for raw mayonnaise, raw ketchup, raw pesto, raw avocado dressing, and salsas made with veggies.


3. Try a Raw Dessert

You may not think a raw dessert sounds like much, but we can assure you they’re delicious! And, what better place to sneak in some raw foods than dessert? Try your hand at making desserts that are raw. For example, try this Raw Double Chocolate Cherry Cheesecake (it’s made with cashews), or this Banana “Cream” Pie (bananas are an excellent source of both potassium and vitamin B6). Some recipes include secret ingredients, like this Avocado Cacao Mousse. Yes, it has avocados in it, which are rich in healthy fats and vitamins!


Add Shilajit Resin to Your Diet of Raw Foods to Absorb Necessary Nutrients

It’s important to add raw foods to your diet, because it can greatly benefit your health. But, you also need to consider supplementing your diet with a substance that is rich in the vitamins and minerals your body needs for survival. In 2004, the Journal of the American College of Nutrition examined the vitamin levels in fruits and vegetables grown in 1999 and compared them to the vitamin levels of those grown in 1950. They found that modern fruits and vegetables contain less vitamins (16% less calcium, 15% less iron, and 20% less vitamin C) than those grown in 1950. So, even if you are eating fruits and vegetables, the current farming process removes many of the nutrients. This is why it is so important to supplement your diet with products like shilajit that contain over 85 ionic minerals and vitamins. Additionally, actually helps your body absorb nutrients into your body, making it the perfect choice to increase your vitamin and mineral intake.

Eat More Raw Food: Start With Shilajit!

If you’re going to start integrating raw foods into your diet, start with shilajit: It helps your body absorb nutrients!

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Ionic Minerals in Shilajit: What they Are, Why They’re Important

Ionic Minerals in Shilajit: What they Are, Why They’re Important

Ionic Minerals in Premium Shilajit

We are severely lacking in minerals that are necessary for a healthy life. Learn why ionic minerals are the best, and how Premium Shilajit is the best source.

Vitamins and minerals are important for our health. Unfortunately, many factors are present in modern society that cause us to be severely mineral and vitamin-deficient. In today’s blog, we’re going to take a look at why minerals are so important for your health, and why ionic minerals that can be found in shilajit are the best choice.

The Modern Diet is
Severely Lacking in Minerals

Our modern diet is severely lacking in the minerals that are essential to our health. We eat fruit, vegetables, and meat that are mineral and vitamin insufficient. This is because our food isn’t grown in mineral rich soil as it was in the past. Modern farming techniques, synthesized fertilizers, and years of growth have drained the minerals from our soil. Thus, our food doesn’t contain the nutrients our bodies need for optimum health.

Shilajit is Rich in Minerals

While there are many supplements available on the market, many of the contain only a fraction of the nutrients of shilajit. Many scientific studies have determined that shilajit has over 85 ionic minerals, including fulvic acid (which is a strong antioxidant), plant sterols and fatty acids. Because so many vitamins and minerals are contained in shilajit, it makes it an excellent source to add necessary nutrients into your diet.


Importance of Ionic Minerals

You may have noticed that we said that shilajit contains over 85 ionic minerals. We’re not sure about you, but we don’t hear the word “ionic” very often. And, when it is used, it’s not often explained. So, we thought we’d give you an idea of what an ionic mineral is, and why it’s beneficial to your health.


What are Ionic Minerals?

Ions are elements (or minerals) that either have too few or too many electrons (i.e., a negative or positive charge). Because of the missing or additional electrons, it makes the element unstable. (Source)


Why are Ionic Minerals Beneficial?

The instability of the element is what makes it beneficial – it its unstable state, it bonds very easily with water. Our bodies are able to absorb water much easier, so we can assimilate the nutrients much easier.


Premium Shilajit: The Best
Source for Ionic Minerals

Ionic minerals allow your body to experience a dynamic equilibrium caused by the electrical signatures of a positive or negative charge. It’s important to take minerals in ionic form, because the absorption of minerals takes place within the small intestines, during the digestion process. As the food you eat passes through the intestines, minerals are allowed to transfer to your bloodstream by crossing through the walls of your intestines. This transfer can only happen if the minerals are ionic. The acid in your stomach is designed to ionize minerals, but in order to fully utilize the benefits of minerals, it is wise to take supplements where the minerals are already ionized. Shilajit is easy to take, and it is full of ionic minerals and vitamins. Additionally, shilajit is full of fulvic acid, which pushes nutrients to your cells, allowing your body to fully absorb the nutrients and reap the benefits of ionic minerals.

Take Ionic Minerals

The ionic minerals found in shilajit can be absorbed by your body, which can greatly improve your health. Try Premium Shilajit resin today!

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Shilajit: An Immune System Booster

Shilajit: An Immune System Booster

Stay healthy this fall - boost your immune system with shilajit!

Fall has arrived. A chill is in the air, and leaves are crunching underfoot. This is a truly wonderful time of year. After all, what is better than snuggling up by the fire with a cup of hot apple cider? Unfortunately, the fall season brings with it another tendency – sickness runs rampant during this time of year. Thankfully, you can stay healthy by taking shilajit!

Whether it’s the flu, or simply a common cold, you don’t want to catch whatever is making its way around your neighborhood. To fight the onset of sickness, people often wonder what the best option is to boost their immune system. Thankfully, we have the answer: Shilajit is a powerful immune system booster you can take to keep you and your family healthy. Let’s take a look at how it accomplishes this:


Vitamins and Minerals

You often hear that taking vitamin C is a good way to fend off getting sick? Well, shilajit is packed with over 85 vitamins and minerals. Our bodies are starved for minerals and vitamins due to our diet of processed foods. Taking a supplement that supports the body will help it to fight off sickness.


Fight Inflammation

Shilajit is a potent anti-inflammatory substance. It can help you body fight inflammation naturally. Ayurvedic healers have been using shilajit to fight inflammation in the body for thousands of years. Why not make use of such an old tradition?


Detoxifies the Blood

Shilajit detoxifies and cleans the blood. Over the years, metals and other toxins build up in your bodies. This leads them to be less healthy. Shilajit purifies our blood so our bodies are able to better fight off illness. A healthy body is able to ward off illness much easier than bodies that aren’t running as well as they should.


Aids Nutrient Absorption

Shilajit not only provides the body with the nutrients it needs to be strong and fight off illness, it also aids nutrient absorption by pushing the necessary nutrients into our body’s cells. This is why shilajit is so effective – it not only provides the vitamins and minerals, it also helps our bodies absorb and retain the nutrients we need to be healthy!

Fight Illness with Shilajit:
An Immune System Booster

Shilajit is an excellent way to fight off the illnesses that plague us all this time of year. You want to be able to enjoy this season of hot apple cider, corn mazes, haunted houses, and other festivities, instead of staying indoors, bundled up and fighting the flu or a cold. Learn more about the benefits of shilajit, and start taking it today to give your immune system the boost you need to stay happy and healthy this season!

Feeling Sick?

Keep sickness at bay this flu and cold season by taking shilajit daily. Feel free to contact us with any questions about how Premium Shilajit can enrich your life!

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Candida’s Worst Nightmare: Premium Shilajit

Candida’s Worst Nightmare: Premium Shilajit

Shilajit is the worst nightmare of candida!

Candida has met its match: Shilajit is a potent anti-fungal you can use to fight the fungal overgrowth!

If you suffer from candida overgrowth, you struggle every day with symptoms that have a negative effect on your life. Extreme exhaustion, digestive issues, severe allergies, the sudden appearance of an autoimmune disease, and skin and fungal infections can have a toll on your lifestyle. Today, candida has met its match. Shilajit is candida’s worth nightmare – it has the ability to fight the fungal overgrowth in your body. Let’s take a look at how it does this:

What is Candida?

Candida overgrowth is a common health issue in the modern world. Our bodies naturally produce candida, which is a fungus. It can be found in small quantities in our intestines and our mouths. Its purpose is to help our body absorb nutrients, and help digest our food. When there is an overgrowth of this fungus, it can cause a variety of terrible symptoms.


Causes of Candida Overgrowth

There are multiple causes of candida overgrowth. The modern world (especially the United States) has a diet extremely high in sugar and process and refined carbohydrates, which is a big factor. Additionally, large amounts of alcohol consumption, taking too many rounds of antibiotics, a lifestyle high in stress, and other factors all work together to cause candida to be overproduced in our body.


Symptoms of Candida Overgrowth

The list of symptoms of candida overgrowth is long, and includes digestive issues (diarrhea, constipation, bloating), nail and skin fungal infections, ADD and lack of focus, autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s disease, mood swings and irritability, skin rashes such as eczema, psoriasis, and other types of hives or rashes, cravings for sugar and carbs, and severe allergies and vaginal itching are the most common.


How Shilajit Can
Treat Candida Overgrowth

Shilajit is a powerful substance that contains over 85 minerals and countless vitamins. The main ingredient in shilajit, however, is the one that is so beneficial as a way to fight candida overgrowth: Fulvic acid. Fulvic acid is an extremely potent anti fungal and antimicrobial.


Effects of Fulvic Acid

In a study completed in 2012, it was discovered that fulvic acid “exhibits potent antifungal activity.” According to the study, four anti fungal substances were used to treat candida albicans – fulvic acid was the “most effective,” and had the “quickest killing” of the fungus.


Effects of Shilajit

Shilajit is an effective antimicrobial. According to one study, shilajit has the ability to destroy common pathogenic microbe strains, including coliform bacteria, staphylococci, and other microbes. (Igor Schepetkin 2002)

Give Candida a One-Two Punch

The best way to fight candida overgrowth is to radically improve your diet. Cutting sugar in all its forms (including flour and alcohol), as well as limiting your diet to only one complex carbohydrate every day (such as grains and beans) will kill candida. And, while fermented foods are excellent for your gut, they can aid candida overgrowth, so it is good to cut them from your diet while you are fighting candida. Adding shilajit (which has been used for thousands of years) to your diet can also help your body to fight the overgrowth, as it has been shown to have potent anti-fungal effects. Shilajit is rich in fulvic acid, which will help keep your body healthy – while the other minerals and vitamins in shilajit will boost your immune system. Learn more about the other benefits of shilajit!

Fight Imbalance in the Body:

Shilajit cleans the blood, and helps fight imbalances in your body. Get started to see the difference in your life today!

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Premium Shilajit and Skincare: Use for Beautiful Skin

Premium Shilajit and Skincare: Use for Beautiful Skin

Shilajit and Skincare - Use for a Beautiful ComplexionTaking shilajit has a positive impact on many organs in your body. After all, it is packed with over 85 minerals, and is full of fulvic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant. Many people don’t consider, however, the enormous impact using shilajit can have on the largest organ of the body – the skin. Using shilajit both internally and externally can greatly improve the health and appearance of your skin. Let’s take a look at why shilajit is so beneficial for your skin.

Epidermis: Largest Organ of the Body

When you think of the organs that make up the human body, you often think of the heart, liver, brain, or pancreas. But, the largest organ of the human body is actually your skin. In fact, as humans, our skin accounts for 8 pounds of weight, and equals 22 square feet. Our skin is wonderful at keeping us healthy:


Protection from the Elements:

Our skin not only makes us look human, it also keeps us from evaporating. It protects us from sunlight, chemicals, and the weather.


Protection from Disease:

Our epidermis exudes substances that act as an ant-bacterial, protecting us from disease. It also makes vitamin D to keep our bones healthy.


Sensor for Our Brains:

The skin is filled with nerves that sense the outside world and communicate all this outside information to our brains.

Our skin offers us insight into our overall health. A healthy lifestyle, including exercise and a well-balanced diet rich in nutrients results in a good, clear complexion. Often, a bad complexion is a sign of more serious health issues.

Feed the Body with Nutrients

The best way to get a clearer, more healthy complexion is to make sure your are feeding our body with the nutrients, vitamins, and minerals it needs. According to Dr. Mercola, the key to beautiful skin is by “making sure your blood is continuously supplying healthy nutrients to every cell in your body.” The organs responsible for eliminating your body of harmful toxins are your liver, kidneys, intestines, adrenals, and thyroid. So, just how can shilajit help your skin?

Why Shilajit is Good for the Skin

Shilajit is full of substances that detoxify the blood, balance hormones, improve brain function, and boost the immune system. It feeds your body the nutrients it needs to stay healthy. When the organs in our body are overtaxed or not working correctly, your skin suffers. For example, dry or flaky skin and hair that falls out can often be due to a weak thyroid. Our society’s diet has a big impact on the health (or lack of it) of our bodies. A diet of processed foods, alcohol, drugs, chemicals in our products, and trans fat all overwork and overwhelm our intestines and other organs. Shilajit improves and balances our body’s overall health – thus improving its appearance. Additionally, shilajit is rich in fulvic acid, which is powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants prevent the oxidation of the cells in our bodies. Taking shilajit will slow the aging process, which is a bonus for your skin! There are a few ways to start taking advantage of the benefits of shilajit for your skin.



Take Shilajit Internally

Taking a daily dose of shilajit is beneficial for your skin’s health. It is often said that best way to heal your skin is from the inside out. Eating healthy foods, including fruits and vegetables (read our post on taking shilajit and integrating smoothies into your diet) will help your skin stay clear and beautiful. Shilajit will go a long way in improving the function of your organs, which will have a positive benefit for your skin. It’s easy to take shilajit every day – read our guide to learn more!


Use Shilajit Externally

You can also use shilajit on the outside – by rubbing it into your skin. It has been known to have a healing effect on some skin disorders, such as radicular pains. Also, you can use shilajit to treat joint pains by applying a cold compress. Or, you can rub shilajit into the skin to use to fight germs (as a germicide or antiseptic), or provide pain relief (analgesic). Try creating a skin mask to leave on for 15 minutes. Get creative and add traditional mask ingredients such as avocados, honey, nutmeg, or ginger!


Get a Clearer Complexion!

Shilajit improves your organ functions, cleans the blood, and allows your body to receive nutrients. Your skin will thank you for it!

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Need a Natural Energy Boost? Shilajit is the Answer

Need a Natural Energy Boost? Shilajit is the Answer

Use Premium Shilajit for a natural energy boost.

What if there was an all-natural energy booster you could take at the beginning of the day? Shilajit is the answer – it is all-natural, and boosts energy in the afternoon!

We all work hard. Lack of energy, exhaustion, and tiredness during the day seem to plague many of us. Often, people turn to stimulants to ease their exhaustion: drinking an extra cup of coffee, downing an energy drink, or popping supplements are all temporary fixes for the middle-of-the day lag. But, what if there was an all-natural energy booster you could take at the beginning of your day to give you energy? Thankfully, there is such a thing. Shilajit is an all-natural energy booster and is extremely potent and effective. In fact, people have been taking it for  years to give them much-needed energy in the afternoon. Let’s take a look at exactly how shilajit boosts energy, and why it’s the healthiest way to do so.

Shilajit is an all-natural energy booster and is extremely potent and effective!

Nutrient Absorption & Energy

One of the main ingredients in shilajit is fulvic acid. There are many benefits to fulvic acid, including helping clean the body and blood of toxic material, and providing antioxidants to fight free radicals. Additionally, fulvic acid helps the body to absorb nutrients, which provides our bodies energy throughout the day. A study into the energy-boosting properties of shilajit has proved their benefit. Let’s take a look at this study:


Significant Improvement of
Physiological Energy Status

In 2009, research was done on the benefits of using shilajit to help provide energy. Mice were used for the research, but illustrate the benefits for us all. Researchers found that “oral supplementation of a processed shilajit formulation significantly improved physiological energy status in albino mice.” Two groups of mice were exercised: One group (the control group) did not take shilajit, the other group took shilajit. There were many findings illustrating that the mice who were administered shilajit were better off after the exercise.


Energy in the Muscles

Inosine mono phosphate (IMP) concentrate is a measurement of energy depletion in the muscles. Mice in the control group had an 18% rise in IMP, while mice who were administered shilajit only had a rise of 5%.


Improved Energy

“Improved status of some energy related indices…was also observed following shilajit treatment.”

The research is extensive – be sure to read the full report to be fully informed! To sum it all up, shilajit helps restore energy, especially after exercise. But, what are some other reasons shilajit provides energy?


Shilajit is Packed with Minerals

Our bodies are depleted. This is from years of eating an insufficient diet in our modern world. Shilajit is packed with minerals and nutrients to help our bodies reach their full potential. When our body is fed and filled with the minerals and nutrients it needs, we can fight disease and inflammation we otherwise couldn’t fight. Shilajit is an excellent way to feed our bodies the minerals it is lacking. Did you know the shilajit is packed with over 85 minerals? Many of them are ionic in form, which means they are absorbed by our cells, which enhances energy metabolism in our body. In essence, shilajit provides our bodies with minerals, and boosts energy metabolism.

Shilajit provides our bodies with minerals, and boosts energy metabolism.


Need an Energy Boost?

Shilajit provides an all-natural, safe, and effective way to get much-needed energy during the day. Try it today!

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Start the Day Right with a Breakfast Rich in Antioxidants

Start the Day Right with a Breakfast Rich in Antioxidants

Antioxidant rich breakfast including shilajit

Antioxidants. We hear about them all the time, but it’s difficult to pinpoint what they are, why they’re good for you, and the best way to integrate them into your diet.

Here at Premium Shilajit, we understand just how beneficial antioxidants really are, because – you guessed it – shilajit is one of the best sources of antioxidants out there! Let’s take a closer look at the importance of antioxidants, and why eating them for breakfast is a great way to integrate them into your diet.

What are Antioxidants?

In order to truly understand antioxidants, you need to understand something called “free radicals.” Every day, your body’s cells are exposed to oxygen. Now, we all know that oxygen is essential of life, but when your cells are exposed to oxygen, it causes something called oxidation. Oxidation causes your body to alter its chemistry, resulting in free radicals. Free radicals are partly responsible for the aging process, as well as contributing to diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and many other illnesses. Environmental factors such as smoking cigarettes, diet, alcohol, and pollution all contribute to the creation of free radicals.

How do we fight free-radicals? Antioxidants to the rescue!

Now that we’ve illustrated just how bad free radicals are, we can move on to the best way to fight them. Antioxidants fight the damage created by free radicals. It can limit and even stop the damage! Put simply, your body uses antioxidants to fight free radicals and keep your body healthy. Antioxidants work to keep your cells from degenerating and fight the damage caused by oxidation.

What are the Best Sources of Antioxidants?

There are many fruits and vegetables that are rich in antioxidants, as well as antioxidant-packed shilajit. Let’s take a look at some foods full of free-radical-fighting antioxidants:



You may have guessed that shiajit is a natural source of antioxidants. In fact, it is one of the biggest benefits of this unique mineral. Shilajti is full of fluvial acid, which is a powerful antioxidant. In fact, recent studies of shilajit have shown that the normal Oxygen Radical Absorbency Capacity of shilajit is between 50 and 500 Trolox units. This is much higher than blueberries and many other types of fruit. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t continue to eat the foods below: integrating many different types of antioxidants and vitamins into your diet is beneficial to your health.



Grapes are an excellent source of antioxidants. For the best results, choose grapes that are dark in color, such as blue, red, or purple, as these content the highest levels of antioxidants. In addition to phytochemical (antioxidants), grapes also contain lots of vitamin C!



Blueberries are an excellent source of antioxidants. In addition, blueberries also contain minerals and vitamins that have been proven to strengthen your immune system and lower inflammation. They are full of phytochemical that fight the damage caused by free radicals.



Spinach, kale, broccoli, and collard greens are all excellent sources of vitamins and minerals as well as antioxidants. In addition to antioxidants, these dark green veggies are full of vitamins C, A, and E, as well as calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Additionally, these veggies have phytochemicals that may have the ability to fight cancer!



Nuts contain a variety of beneficial nutrients, including an excellent source of healthy fats, protein, and unique phytochemicals that may help lower cholesterol. For the best results, research each type of nut to learn about how it can benefit your health.


How to Eat an Antioxidant-Rich Breakfast

There are many ways to integrate all these powerful antioxidant rich foods into your diet. One of the best ways to insure you are getting lots of phytochemicals into your diet is by starting the day off with a good dose. Eating a good breakfast is a great way to start. You know how fitness gurus always say you should exercise first thing in the morning to make sure you get it done? The same goes for integrating antioxidants into your diet – if you eat them at breakfast, you’re starting your day off right. Here are a few ways to start eating antioxidants for breakfast:

Shilajit is best taken on an empty stomach, so drink it before you eat breakfast. Because shilajit is most potent and pure in resin form, it is best taken dissolved in liquid, such as milk, tea, or non-chlorinated water. Dissolve your recommended dose in a war liquid (the hotter the liquid, the bette it will dissolve), and stir rapidly. Then, drink up and start enjoying the benefits of shilajit in your life and health.

Make a delicious smoothie and eat 2 antioxidant-rich foods in one meal. Blend spinach, blueberries, and bananas together with your liquid of choice (coconut almond milk is our favorite, but you can use milk, soy milk, or any other kind of dairy). If you want an icy smoothie, freeze the blueberries beforehand, or add in a handful of ice!

Layer yogurt with grapes, blueberries, your favorite type of granola, and some nuts. We love walnuts or toasted almonds, but choose your favorite and enjoy a well-rounded breakfast!

Want to Try Shilajit?

Adding shilajit into your diet and starting each day off right with a good dose of antioxidants is important. Get started on a road to better health today by ordering pure shiajit resin from Premium Shilajit.

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