Help Your Mind Age Gracefully with Shilajit

Help Your Mind Age Gracefully with Shilajit

Help Your Mind Age Gracefully with Shilajit

According to a study done by the World Health Organization(W.H.O.) there are 36.5 million people living with dementia around the world and the number of dementia cases are projected to double by 2030 and then more than triple by 2050. More then ever it’s important for us to look into health for our minds to help ward off the negitive effects of aging.  While it’s well known that puzzles, square dancing and certain vegetables can help keep your brain healthy it can be hard to implement them into your daily routine.  So what can you do to help your mind age gracefully?

Shilajit Can Help

With mental decline on the rise did you know that Shilajit has been known to help improve procognitive activity.  It may also play a part in preventing cognitive decline associated with aging.  Research shows that it’s nutraceutical properties may help benefit those with the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and may help boost memory and learning.  This increase in cognitive function can help keep your mind healthy and sharp for years to come.  Shilajit may be the answer to maintaining mental health.

Protect the Health of Your Mind

When it comes to improving and protecting the health of your or your loved one’s mind there’s no time to waste.  With mental decline expected to only increase in the elderly in the coming decades let’s take a proactive stand against it.  In addition to improved cognitive function Shilajit has been known to improve overall health and wellbeing by supplying your body with over 80 minerals and other beneficial organic compounds that your body needs as well as provide you with natural energy.  Give Shilajit a try and order yours today. Still have questions about Shilajit?  Have a look at our FAQ’s page for more information.

Protect Your Mind

Age gracefully with shilajit!

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Shilajit Hair Growth: How Shilajit Benefits Your Hair’s Health

Shilajit Hair Growth: How Shilajit Benefits Your Hair’s Health

Shilajit Hair Growth

Shilajit is rich in vitamins and minerals, which are necessary for strong, healthy, and full hair.

There are many reasons for hair loss; stress, malnutrition, male pattern baldness, a hormone imbalance, anemia, autoimmune issues, and many other causes. It can be difficult to know how to combat the problem, as it can be difficult to find the root cause. One of the best ways to tackle your hair loss problem is to focus on your body and the vitamins and minerals it needs. This is how many have used shilajit hair growth to heal their body from the inside out so their hair is healthier and more plentiful.

Vitamins and Minerals: Essential for Healthy Hair

Vitamins and minerals are essential for healthy hair. The modern diet is severely lacking in nutrients, and most of us don’t supplement to fill our body’s need for vitamins. When you don’t get the nutrients you need, your health will suffer in some way. Here are a few vitamins you need for strong, healthy, full hair:

transparent-iconVitamin C: Collagen is created by our bodies using vitamin C. Collagen keeps our scalps healthy, strengthens blood vessels, ligaments, and bone, and supports healthy hair growth.


transparent-iconIron: When a person has anemia, it means they are suffering from an iron deficiency. Even if you aren’t anemic, you could be low in iron. This mineral builds healthy red blood cells in our body, which carry nutrients throughout our body – including our scalps.

transparent-iconVitamin D: Most of us spend our time inside, working in office buildings. Unfortunately, because of this, many of us are lacking in vitamin D, which promotes healthy follicle growth.


transparent-iconB Vitamins: All the B vitamins are essential for healthy hair growth. You need to replenish B vitamins in your body, because they are water soluble – they can’t be stored and need to be replaced in your diet or a supplement.

Shilajit Hair Growth: Shilajit is Rich in Vitamins and Minerals

Shilajit is rich in vitamins and ionic minerals. The fulvic and humic acid within it replenishes our bodies with much-needed nutrients we need to be healthy, stay alert, and have healthy skin, nails, and hair. When you take shilajit daily, it will provide what it needs to be strong, healthy, and abundant.

Shilajit for Healthy Hair

Shilajit hair growth: Shilajit has been used for thousands of years to encourage healthy hair. Start today!

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Using Shilajit as a Jetlag Cure: A Travelers Best Friend

Using Shilajit as a Jetlag Cure: A Travelers Best Friend

Use Shilajit as a Jetlag Cure

If you’re looking for a jetlag cure, shilajit is the answer. Learn how it can be a traveler’s best friend!

For routine travelers, the battle with jet lag never ends. The fatigue, insomnia, memory loss, headache, dehydration, and other symptoms are exhausting. It can be difficult to combat jet lag while traveling. Thankfully, shilajit can be used as a jetlag cure – providing relief for the exhaustion and symptoms of traveling across time zones.


The Symptoms
of Jet Lag

According to medicine, the symptoms of jet lag (also called flight fatigue, and formally, desynchronosis) are fatigue and insomnia, and occasionally, “anxiety, constipation, diarrhea, confusion, dehydration, headache, irritability, nausea, difficulty concentrating, sweating, coordination problems, dizziness, and even memory loss.” If you’ve ever flown across multiple time zones, then you have likely experienced at least one of these symptoms. Finding a way to combat the symptoms of jet lag is important when you travel.


The Reason
for Jet Lag

According to the Mayo Clinic, jet lag can occur whenever you cross two or more time zones. The reason this is a problem is because crossing these time zones puts your “internal clock or circadian rhythms, which regulate your sleep-wake cycle, out of sync with the time in your new locale.” This makes sense – if we leave the U.S. at 4pm on a Friday night, and arrive in France at 7am on Wednesday, our internal clock will be thrown off. Thankfully, there is a way to help remedy the effects of jet lag disorder.

Shilajit as a Jetlag Cure: How it Works

There are a few reasons that shilajit works as a jetlag cure. It has been used for thousands of years for countless maladies, and improves the health of everyone who uses it.


The Benefit of the Adaptogen

Shilajit is a powerful adaptogen. An adaptogen is a substance that enables the body to better adapt to external conditions. Adaptogens work with the natural rhythms of the body to restore balance, increase energy, and nourish the body. So, when you take it before traveling, it helps your body adapt to the new rhythms, essentially grounding your body to accept the change.

transparent-iconThe Power of Energy

Shilajit is unique in the way it provides energy to the body. With its high fulvic acid content, shilajit actually pushes energy to the cells, allowing your body to function better and more efficiently. Instead of providing false energy, it allows your body to fuel itself.


Packed with Vitamins & Minerals

Shilajit is packed with minerals and vitamins, which boosts your body’s ability to stay healthy and strong. And, the minerals within shilajit are ionic, which means they are better absorbed and utilized by our bodies.

Take Shilajit for a Jetlag Remedy

Shilajit is packed with minerals and vitamins, is adaptogenic, and pushes energy directly into our cells. Because of this, many pilots and flight attendants take shilajit as a jet lag remedy. If you’re worried about jet lag during your travelers, take pure shilajit resin from Premium Shilajit – it really is a traveler’s best friend!

Cure Jetlag:

Using shilajit as a jetlag cure can make traveling much easier!

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Are There Side Effects of Shilajit? Long Term Effects

Are There Side Effects of Shilajit? Long Term Effects

Are there side effects of shilajit?As with any health product, it is important to ask yourself questions before adding it to your diet: Is it pure? Are the benefits worth the cost? Are there side effects? In the past, we’ve looked at the many benefits of shilajit, and the purity of our product. Today, we’re going to look at whether or not there are side effects of shilajit.

Possible Side Effects of Shilajit

As we have listed on our site, there are only a couple possible side effects of shilajit. These include increased uric acid (which can be a problem for people who already suffer from kidney stones, gouty arthritis, or gout), and increased iron (especially if you take other supplements which include iron). But, these side effects are extremely rare. And, scientific studies show that the benefits far outweigh the possible side effects.


Shilajit is Safe for Long Term Use

In 2012, a study was published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the “safety of shilajit by 91 days repeated administration” with test animals. At the end of the study, the iron levels were measured in each subject. The study concluded that “shilajit, an Ayurvedic formulation, is safe for long term use as a dietary supplement for a number of disorders like iron deficiency anaemia.”


The Use of Shilajit is Safe

In another study, researchers concluded that “studies in both animals and humans indicate that the use of shilajit is safe and generally free of adverse effects.” It is important to keep in mind that people in the Himalayas and across the world have been using shilajit for thousands of years. It plays an important role in the Ayurvedic medicine tradition.  With so much history and tradition behind it, you can use shilajit without fear of adverse side effects.


Note for Pregnant Mothers and Those with Diabetes

It is important to understand there are no current studies of the effect of shilajit on pregnant or nursing women. Thus, you should avoid taking shilajit in both these situations. Additionally, if you have diabetes, you need to consult with a doctor before adding shilajit to your diet. Shilajit has the ability to naturally lower your blood glucose level – it is used as a treatment for diabetes. If you are already taking medication for this purpose you need to be careful.

Use Pure Shilajit to Avoid Side Effects

If you are worried about the side effects of shilajit, the best thing you can do to avoid them is to use only the highest quality, pure product. When you purchase shilajit that is in powder, capsule, or liquid form, you simply don’t know what other substances are mixed in. These can cause adverse side effects that you could attribute to the shilajit. Here at Premium Shilajit, we carefully harvest and prepare our product to ensure it is the purest shilajit available. View our certificate of analysis to learn more about the quality of our shilajit.

Shilajit Resin:

For the best results, and to avoid possible side effects, use only pure shilajit with no additives.

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An Ashwagandha Shilajit Blend: Good or Bad?

An Ashwagandha Shilajit Blend: Good or Bad?

An ashwagandha shilajit blend - our take on this supplement

Is an ashwagandha shilajit blend a good choice? We believe choosing two separate supplements is the better choice. Here’s why:

There are many different shilajit products available on the market. We’ve discussed in detail why shilajit resin is the best way to take shilajit. Powders, capsules, and tonics may seem like a more convenient option when it comes to actually taking your shilajit dose, but they are often filled with contaminates, and very little shilajit. Today, we’re going to look at a specific type of shilajit: The ashwagandha shilajit blend. This blend is quite common. But, is it good or bad? Let’s take a look at this herb, and see how it interacts with shilajit.

Ashwagandha: A Traditional Ayurvedic Herb

Like shilajit, ashwagandha has been used for thousands of years in the Ayurvedic tradition. In Sanskrit, ashwagandha means: “the smell of a horse.” While this may not sound terribly appetizing, it is meant to impart that ashwagandha transmits the strength of a stallion. Traditionally, ashwagandha is prescribed to strengthen the immune system after an illness. This herb belongs to the same family as the tomato. In appearance, it looks like a shrubbery, with yellow flowers and red, berry-sized fruit. The chemicals within ashwagandha are where it draws its power. These chemicals are amino acids, alkaloids, choline, withanolides, and fatty acids. A 2011 study, An Overview on Ashwagandha: A Rasayana (Rejuvenator) of Ayurveda, found that ashwagandha is beneficial for many different health issues, include treating stress, providing arthritis relief, as an analgesic, and as an anti-inflammatory substance.

Is an Ashwagandha Shilajit Blend Effective?

Ashwagandha is an extremely effective Ayurvedic herb. Like shilajit, it has many medicinal properties. It seems logical that these two substances would compliment each other perfectly. And, they do: But, an ashwagandha shilajit product where they are blended is not effective. There are many reasons for this, but the biggest problem is purity.


Two Different Substances

Shilajit is a tar-like substance. It its most pure form, it is a resin. Ashwagandha is an herb – not a resin. Blending the two reduces the efficacy of the shilajit itself, because the shilajit must be put into powder form, thus reducing its potency.


Easy to Counterfeit

Additionally, when you see an ashwagandha shilajit blend, there is no way to determine how much of each substance is in each capsule, each scoop or powder, or drop of tonic.

When you cannot determine the purity of either substance, the efficacy and benefits may be lost. Instead of looking for an ashwagandha shilajit blend, it is a much better option to choose to separate products, and take them on their own. This way you will know for sure that each individual substance is doing the most to benefit the health of your body and mind.

Shilajit Resin:

Take only the highest-quality form of shilajit for the best results!

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What is the Best Way to Take Shilajit? Tips from Premium Shilajit

What is the Best Way to Take Shilajit? Tips from Premium Shilajit

What is the Best Way to Take Shilajit?

What is the best way to take shilajit? Read on for tips about the best way to take this miraculous substance so you’ll reap the most benefits in your health.

Shilajit is a miraculous substance that has the ability to heal the body from the inside out, protect against disease and aging, boost the immune system and give you energy you didn’t know you could experience. If you’re excited to add this substance to your diet, but you’re not sure how to take shilajit, read on. In this blog, the experts at Premium Shilajit will discuss the best way to take shilajit.

Use Only the Highest-Quality Shilajit

Before we get into the details about how to take shilajit, we need to stress the importance of using only the highest quality substance. Many different companies sell shilajit, and many of them are selling product that is inferior, and in many cases, completely fake. Not only is this useless, as you won’t see any benefit to your health, it can be dangerous, because you don’t truly know what you’re taking. Here are a few tips to determine quality:


Take Shilajit Resin

In its natural form, shilajit is a resinous substance. You need to stay as close to its natural form as possible when taking shilajit. Thus, look for shilajit resin powder, capsules, or tonic (learn more about why shilajit resin is the best way to take shilajit).


Look for Lab Results

Look for a shilajit supplier who provides lab results and certificates of analysis to prove the quality and purity of their product to ensure you aren’t taking an unknown, potentially dangerous substance.

The Best Way to Take Shilajit: In Water

At Premium Shilajit, we recommend taking your daily dosage of shilajit dissolved in hot water. Simply measure out your dosage of shilajit (learn more about correct dosage here) into about 6 ounces of hot water, stirring to break it up and dissolve it. Drinking it on an empty stomach in the morning will ensure it gets into your bloodstream to bring you energy! Many companies suggest taking shilajit with tea or warm milk, or mixing it in with smoothies, but for the most effective, safe use, simply dissolving shilajit in water is the best option.

Take the Best Shilajit

To get the best health benefits in your life, take only the highest-quality shilajit resin!

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Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue: Supplements and Diet

Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue: Supplements and Diet

Learn about a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue.

Are you constantly exhausted? You may be suffering from adrenal fatigue syndrome. Learn more, and get information about a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue: Diet and shilajit supplements.

Adrenal fatigue is a syndrome caused by the low-functioning of the adrenal glands. These glands are what give you energy, and keep you alert throughout the day. Without proper functioning of these glands, exhaustion and depletion begin to erode a person’s health. In today’s blog post, we’re going to look at a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue, and why shilajit is the perfect accompaniment for it.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

Various sources list the following as common symptoms of adrenal fatigue:

  • Difficulty getting up in the morning, regardless of amount of sleep
  • Highly fatigued throughout the day
  • Cravings for salty food
  • Difficulty handling stress
  • Weak immune system
  • More energy in the evenings

Other symptoms of adrenal fatigue that are less common are: dry skin, asthma, lower back pain, a decreased sex drive, joint pain, dizziness, dark circles under the eyes, weight gain, loss of muscle tone, frequent urination, extreme exhaustion after exercising, and poor circulation.  There is not one test for adrenal fatigue; instead, doctors must make a diagnoses bases on multiple tests (click here for more information about testing for adrenal fatigue).

Diet and Exercise: The Best Natural Treatment for Adrenal Fatigue

One of the best ways to treat adrenal fatigue syndrome is to undergo a diet and exercise transformation. Sit down and examine your current diet, and be honest and straightforward with yourself about the need to better your lifestyle. Go to a naturopath doctor and get tested for food allergies that are compromising your system. Remove these from your diet, and begin making healthier choices:

1: Shilajit Boosts the Immune System

Eat Real Food: Avoid Processed Food

Our diets are severely lacking in vitamins and minerals. Much of our diet consists of heavily processed foods that our bodies cannot utilize. Add raw foods into your diet, and cut out white bread, sugars, and alcohol. Feed your body with only the best fuel. Also, cut out stimulants such as coffee, which you have trained your body to rely on, and stay hydrated with water. Add superfoods that are rich in nutrients and antioxidants, such as bone broth, to rebuild your health. Additionally, begin to heal your gut and encourage healthy digestion: Start drinking kombucha or kefir, or simply start taking a probiotic to encourage healthy gut bacteria.

2: Shilajit Detoxifies the Body

Supplement with Vitamins & Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential to our health, but our bodies are lacking it due to lack of sun exposure, and an overly processed diet. Start taking supplements like the amino acid Glutamine, which will rebuild your intestinal walls. Also, add shilajit to your daily routine, as it is rich in ionic minerals and vitamins that are essential to strong bones, a healthy body, and a sharp mind.  Shilajit also fights adrenal fatigue by fighting inflammation, and acting as a strong anti-bacterial agent. Overall, shilajit is a great natural treatment for adrenal fatigue: People have used it for thousands of years as a way to fight chronic fatigue syndrome.

If you’re struggling with exhaustion and feel depleted, implement everything you’ve read in this blog for a natural treatment for adrenal fatigue. And, even if you don’t suffer from the syndrome, protecting your body against exhaustion and illness is extremely important to live a healthy, happy life.

Fight Adrenal Fatigue

Shilajit has been used for thousands of years to combat adrenal fatigue. Get started today!

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5 Ways to Get a Natural Immune System Boost

5 Ways to Get a Natural Immune System Boost

Get a natural immune system boost with shilajit

Taking shilajit is great way to get a natural immune system boost. Learn why, and get ideas for other things to boost your immune system and stay healthy this season!

These days, it seems as if everyone is coming down with an illness. Friends, neighbors, family members, children, spouses – countless people are fighting off colds and the flu this spring. While antibiotics and over-the-counter medications can help relieve the symptoms, it is important to fight illness at its source by boosting your immune system naturally. In today’s blog post, we’re going to look at a few ways to get a natural immune system boost.

1: Shilajit Boosts the Immune System

Boost Number One: Get Enough Sleep

Sleep is essential to our well-being. When a person doesn’t get enough rest, the body is constantly in defense mode. According to the Mayo Clinic, “people who don’t get quality sleep or enough sleep are more likely to get sick after being exposed to a virus…lack of sleep can also affect how fast you recover.” Take time to wind down in the evening, and avoid electronic devise to ensure you sleep well. Your immune system will thank you for it!

2: Shilajit Detoxifies the Body

Boost Number Two: A Healthy Diet

Your diet directly affects your immune system. Think about it: Food is the fuel that keeps our bodies running efficiently. If you eat high amounts of sugar, and don’t get enough vitamins, nutrients, and fat, your body will not be able to ward off sickness. Eat a diet of fruits, vegetables, whole fat dairy, complex carbohydrates, and lean meats to stave off sickness, heal faster, and stay healthier for longer. And, don’t forget to drink lots of water!

3: Shilajit Balances the Hormones

Boost Number Three: Cultivate a Healthy Gut

Fermented foods are extremely beneficial to our health, but they are severely lacking in our diets. Fermented foods have high levels of probiotics, which can reduce infections in our intestines and respiratory system. In fact, fermented milk products have been shown in studies to reduce respiratory infections in both children and adults. You can make your own fermented foods such as kombucha or kefir, or you can purchase probiotics at a health food store.

4: Shilajit Improves Brain Function

Boost Number Four: Go Outside

Studies have shown that vitamin D can be extremely beneficial in warding off the flu virus. And, what better way to get some vitamin D than to head outside and catch some rays. Studies have shown that people who spend more time outside have lower levels of inflammation! In modern society, we spend far too much time inside anyway – going outside will make us healthier in body and spirit.

5: Shilajit Increases Health and Energy

Boost Number Five: Take Shilajit Daily

Our diets are severely lacking nutrition, due to the over-cultivation of our soil. Because we don’t get the nutrients, vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are necessary for health, or bodies weaken and we get sick. Shilajit is packed with vitamins and ionic minerals and  fulvic acid, and is a strong anti-bacterial agent. Taking shilajit will strengthen your immune system, fight off inflammation, and help your body fight off sickness, and make you recover faster if you do catch something. People have successfully been using shilajit as a way to get a natural immune system boost for thousands of years.

Try a Natural Immune
System Boost to Stay Healthy

In this season of sickness, it is important to utilize each of these natural immune system boosts in order to keep your family healthy. The flu and the common cold can wreak havoc on your health, and disrupt lives. Don’t head straight for drugs and medication to stay healthy – try natural remedies that have been used for thousands of years!

Boost Your Immune System

Shilajit has been used for thousands of years to boost the immune system. Order yours today!

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Mumio, Shilajeet, Silajit, and Mumiyo: Other Names for Shilajit

Mumio, Shilajeet, Silajit, and Mumiyo: Other Names for Shilajit

Names of shilajti around the world (mumio, silajit, etc.)

There are countless names for shilajit around the world, including mumio, silajit, mumiyo, etc. People across the world have used this miraculous product for thousands of years!

If you’ve been researching shilajit, then you are likely a bit confused by all the different names associated with it. In fact, not even all the different variations of the name are in the title. In today’s blog post, we’re going to look at a few of the different names, and whether or not the name offers an indication of the quality of the product itself.

Different Names for Different Countries

The main reason there are so many different names for shilajit, is simply that many countries have different names for the mineral pitch and resin. In English, shilajit is referred to as “mineral pitch,” or “mineral wax.” In fact, the name “shilajit” is actually Sanskrit.

A Look at the Different Names

Here are all the different names we could find for shilajit from all over the world. We have listed the country associated with each different name beside it (names without a location are associated with the country next listed):


Shilajit (Sanskrit)


Shilajeet (Hindi)


Salajeet (Urdu)








Baragshun (Mongolian)


Mumlai (Farsi)


Brag Zhun (Tibetan)




Wu Ling Zhi (Chinese)


Bad-a-Ghee (Wakhi)


Arkhar-Tash (Kyrgyz)










Moomiyo (Soviet Union/Russia)


Black Asphaltum Punjabianum (Latin)

As you can see, there are many different names shilajit. In most cases, purchasing a product that has a different name doesn’t mean it won’t be effective or of a high quality. But, since most people refer to it as shilajit, it is the best choice to purchase from a company that uses this name, as it shows they are current.

People All Over the World Use Shilajit

When you look at all the different names for shilajit, you cannot help but be impressed with just how many different countries use it for health benefits. People all over the world use shilajit – and they have for thousands of years. Ayurvedic medicine has used it to treat countless diseases, and doctors in the Soviet Union have spent years researching its benefits. If you are interested in seeing the benefits in your own life, start using shilajit today!

Pure Shilajit

Shilajit goes by many names, because it has been used by people across the world to benefit their lives. Start using it today!

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Where Can I Buy Shilajit? Easy Shopping at Premium Shilajit

Where Can I Buy Shilajit? Easy Shopping at Premium Shilajit

Where to buy shilajit online

If you want to buy shilajit, look no further than Premium Shilajit: we have the purest product available, and we make shopping easy.

There are countless benefits that will occur when you add shilajit to your daily diet. As we’ve seen in our articles, shilajit is a potent, life-giving substance that heals the body from the inside out. From regulating blood sugar to reducing joint pain and rebuilding muscle, shilajit truly is the panacea of health. If you’re interested in purchasing shilajit, you may have found yourself searching online for “where can I buy shilajit?” Look no further: Premium Shilajit offers a pure product that is simple to buy and start taking everyday.

Pure Product = Better Results

If you are looking to buy shilajit, there are a few things you should know. Simply taking shilajit in any form isn’t enough – you need to make sure you have a pure product so that you get the most benefit.

1: Liver

Stay Close to the Original Form:

In its purest form immediately after harvesting from the mountains, shilajit is a black, tar-like substance. After it is purified, it still maintains its consistency, becoming a resin that is easily broken into pieces and dissolved in water. It is important that you buy shilajit that is resin form in order to get the most benefit.

2: Kidneys

Avoid Powders, Capsules & Tonics:

Shilajit capsules, powders, and tonics should be avoided. This is because you can’t truly know how much shilajit they actually contain. When it isn’t in its natural, resinous form, it is extremely difficult to figure out both dosage and quality. Many shilajit powders, tonics, and capsules are packed with unnecessary (and sometimes harmful) fillers.

Premium Shilajit is proud of providing authentic, quality shilajit harvested using sustainable resources. We are committed to sourcing the best shilajit in the world and providing it to our customers. Our shilajit is lab-tested to ensure that it is free from heavy metals, ad each batch is pure. If you’re searching for “where can I buy shilajit,” you can be confident that you’re getting the best shilajit on the market today.

Where Can I Buy Shilajit: A Simple Buying Process for Shilajit

It can be difficult to find where to buy quality shilajit. Not many stores carry shilajit, and if they do, it is usually shilajit powders, tonics, or capsules that are available. Thankfully, there are options for those who wish to take advantage of the benefits that pure shilajit resin provides. Our buying process is simple: Simply navigate to our shop, add as many tins of shilajit as you want to your cart, and follow the prompts to make your purchase. We ship internationally, so you can get your shilajit no matter where you live. Our shipping is fast, and you can start seeing the benefits of shilajit in your life quickly!

Pure Shilajit

When you buy shilajit from Premium Shilajit, you know you are purchasing the highest quality product available on the market.

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